Claims Numbers

Here’s a listing of the Companies Claims Numbers. Most companies have 24/7 claim reporting. Should you not be able to reach a representative due to holidays or weekends, Just detail as much information as possible until you can speak with a representative to report your claim.

  • AIC   1-800-841-5241
  • Alfa Specialty   1-800-394-8642
  • Brethren Mutual  1-800-621-4264  Mon-Fri
  • Bristol West  1-800-274-7865
  • Countryway  1-800-620-5601
  • Dairyland   1-800-338-2487
  • Foremost   1-800-527-3905
  • GMAC       1-800-468-3466
  • Grange     1-800-445-3030
  • Haulers    1-866-665-1003
  • Mercury  1-877-509-1057
  • Mendota  1-800-422-0792
  • Omni   1-877-322-4833
  • Progressive  1-877-322-4833
  • PGAC   1-800-280-1466
  • Rockingham    1-800-662-5246
  • Victoria   1-888-289-9348
  • Vision   1-877-384-7466
  • Viking    1-800-526-4252